Where you choose to labour and birth is an important and personal decision. Research shows that healthy women labouring and birthing in primary units, like the Helensville Birthing Centre compared to a hospital;
- use less pain relief
- have fewer caesareans (C-sections)
- have fewer instrumental vaginal births, such as using a ventouse or forceps to help birth their babies
- report higher levels of satisfaction from their labour and birthing experience
- experience improved breastfeeding outcomes
Feel relaxed, warm and secure
Helensville Birthing Centre is a supportive birth space where we respect your need for privacy, warmth and feeling secure. We dim the lights in our spacious and quiet birthing room to protect the flow of hormones, like oxytocin, that are needed for labour and birth to progress naturally and safely.
You also have access to:
- fairy lights for soft, warm lighting
- a large birthing pool for labour and birth – the water is naturally soothing
- equipment such as birthing balls and wall bars
- a low double bed, making it easy for you to move on and off, and for your partner or support person to support you.
Our LMC midwives are experts in supporting you in your ability to give birth without medical intervention. We encourage you to move around freely – squat, kneel, stand and stretch – to help you feel comfortable. We can even move the furniture around for you. It’s your space.
Your partner and support people are welcome to be with you during labour and birth and we encourage them to take an active role. For example, we’ve had partners bring guitars to create a relaxing and familiar vibe.
Our staff will work alongside your LMC and any other specialists you wish to include, in your labour and birth. Your LMC will give you some suggestions of what may be useful to bring with you.
If you’re having a healthy pregnancy, talk to your LMC about the benefits of birthing at Helensville Birthing Centre.
Improved breastfeeding outcomes
After a vaginal birth with little or no medical intervention, breastfeeding outcomes are better, and women report higher levels of satisfaction. We encourage immediate skin to skin so you can begin bonding with your baby in those precious few hours after birth.
If you need to transfer to hospital
Although you may prefer to birth at the Helensville Birthing Centre, the health and safety of you and your baby is always our number one priority.
At times, labour and birth unfolds in ways we haven’t planned. A small number of women (around one in 10) may have to transfer to a secondary hospital. Our LMC midwives are skilled in primary care, allowing them to quickly notice and respond to any changes or complications, and transfer women to a hospital in a timely manner. Our solid relationships with secondary services allows us to swiftly and skillfully manage those changes.
I’d like to give birth at Helensville Birthing Centre. What next?
We’re thrilled you’d like to give birth here. Tours are not currently available, but you can check us out on Instagram
The next step is to make a booking. Please download and print both pages of the booking form below and post or email to Helensville Birthing Centre.
Please complete all areas of the form and ensure it has been signed by you and your LMC. Note: your LMC needs a current access agreement with Helensville Birthing Centre.
Where to Give Birth – health.govt.nz
The Birthplace Cohort Study – University of Oxford
Care of Healthy Women and Babies – National Institute of Health and Care Excellence

When you have decided that you’d like to give birth at Helensville Birthing Centre, you need to make a booking. Please download and print both pages of the booking form below:
Post or email to Helensville Birthing Centre. Please make sure all areas are complete and the form has been signed by your LMC and you. Note: Your LMC needs a current Access Agreement with Helensville Birthing Centre.
Booking Form