Sara Thomson

December 1, 2020 10:42 pm

To the Wonderful Midwives of HBC, Congrats on your recent award, I’m so proud & we are so lucky to have such an amazing group of women running our birthing centre. Michelle, you are the best LMC I could possibly ask for, you made me feel respected, safe, empowered to make the right decisions for me and you stood by me as I insisted on a natural birth when Liam decided to turn breach at 41+ weeks! You went above and beyond expectation through both of my pregnancies, labour and postpartum journeys. I absolutely loved my stays at the birthing centre, it’s such a beautiful, calm place to recuperate and get to know your baby, and a bonus that hubby could stay with us too. I felt like my decisions were always respected and my emotional wellbeing was as important to the midwives as my physical wellbeing. Everyone is so lovely and knowledgeable and sometimes offering just a little chat in the middle of the night was a sanity saver when cluster feeding strikes!! After having my first baby, Ryan, Michelle helped me successfully latch and feed in the delivery room, then the next night in the birthing centre my milk had started to come in, I had Debbie on shift and was having a little trouble getting my tiny baby to latch onto my ginormous chest! Oh gosh Debbie was a godsend, we tried a few different positions and she also gave advice with my fast flow, all the while putting me at ease and making me feel like I was doing a great job. I’m so proud to say that the support I received from midwives was taken on board and put to practice with both of my babies and I successfully breast fed Ryan to 12 months and am still feeding Liam at almost 14 months. I felt so supported and knew if I needed further help the door was always open. Thank you ladies for everything you do, I wish more babies were in the cards just so I could stay again! Lots of love Sara Thomson xoxo (& thanks also from Will, Ryan and Liam)